Social Media at

Social Media at media is fun at We invite you to connect with us on your favorite social media channels.

We are “bats about baseball” and we know you share in the passion of the game and all things baseball. In addition, we want to know what you think, what you care about and how we can make our social media more engaging for you.

Here are our social media channels. Join one or join them all…we like to be followed!

  • Visit us on Facebook and join over 5,000 fans that “like” Cheapbats and share your baseball highlights with us and we will share hot specials, new arrivals, baseball highlights and history, an inside look at us…even dogs playing baseball!
  • Our Pinterest page now has 40 boards and over 1000 pins for your enjoyment on all things baseball and baseball equipment. We’d love some pictures of yours to add too.
  • Subscribe to our Twitter feed for the latest updates and specials at as they happen. Share with us what you are doing in your travels in the world of baseball and more.
  • For Google+ users we continue to grow our page with information geared to your interests with your help.
  • Instagram lovers are invited to follow us and share unique photos. We have to admit….we love Instagram!

So, join us on your favorite social media channels and let’s start get the ball rolling on baseball. Thanks a million,

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