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2016 Easton Slowpitch Softball Bat Review

We’re going to go bat-by-bat to break down Easton’s new lineup of slowpitch softball bats for 2016. It’s broken down into 3 different series: Mako Torq, Bomb Squad, and Speed Brigade.

The Mako Torq Series…

2016 Easton Mako Torq Slowpitch Softball Bat USSSA Balanced SP16MBU

2016 Mako Torq USSSA Balanced
2016 Mako Torq USSSA Balanced

Rating: 9.5/10

“Huge sweet spot, lots of pop, very balanced. Torq Taq grip also much better than last years gauze grip.”

2-Piece, 100% Composite Design using Thermo Composite Technology. Includes 360 Torq Rotation Technology that keeps you on plane and in the hitting zone longer, improving your timing and rids you of the classic rollover that would normally lead to weak grounders and inning-ending pop ups. This particular Mako Torq is made with a Balanced Swing Weight and is approved for 1.20 BPF USSSA, NSA, ISA, and SSUSA.


2016 Easton Mako Torq Slowpitch Softball Bat USSSA End Loaded SP16MLU

2016 Mako Torq USSSA End Loaded

Rating: 9.5/10

“Nice end-load, never felt sting, and after a few swings the torq rotation felt natural.”

2-Piece, 100% Composite Design using Thermo Composite Technology. Includes 360 Torq Rotation Technology that keeps you on plane and in the hitting zone longer, improving your timing and rids you of the classic rollover that would normally lead to weak grounders and inning-ending pop ups. This particular Mako Torq is made with an End-Loaded Swing Weight and is approved for 1.20 BPF USSSA, NSA, ISA, and SSUSA.


2016 Easton Mako Torq Slowpitch Softball Bat ASA Balanced SP16MBA

2016 Mako Torq ASA Balanced

Rating: 9.5/10

“Super balanced, nice pop, feels awesome. The only issue I have with this bat is that all of my teammates want to use it. Not cool.”

2-Piece, 100% Composite Design using Thermo Composite Technology. Includes 360 Torq Rotation Technology that keeps you on plane and in the hitting zone longer, improving your timing and rids you of the classic rollover that would normally lead to weak grounders and inning-ending pop ups. This particular Mako Torq is made with a Balanced Swing Weight and is approved for ASA & ISF only.


2016 Easton Mako Torq Slowpitch Softball Bat ASA End Loaded SP16MLA

2016 Mako Torq ASA End Loaded

Rating: 9.5/10

“As a power hitter I love the end-load weighting. The bat feels really sturdy and it’s easy to swing. Hot out of wrapper and the pop is insane.”

2-Piece, 100% Composite Design using Thermo Composite Technology. Includes 360 Torq Rotation Technology that keeps you on plane and in the hitting zone longer, improving your timing and rids you of the classic rollover that would normally lead to weak grounders and inning-ending pop ups. This particular Mako Torq is made with a End-Loaded Swing Weight and is approved for ASA & ISF only.


The Bomb Squad Series…

2016 Easton Bomb Squad Brett Helmer Slowpitch Softball Bat USSSA End Loaded SP16BHU

2016 Brett Helmer USSSA End Loaded

Rating: 9.5/10

“Worth every penny. Straight out of the wrapper I went 4 for 4 at the yard. Enough said.”

This is the USSSA Brett Helmer Signature Model for 2016. 2-Piece, 100% Composite Design using Thermo Composite Technology. This Helmer has the CXN Zero Technology, which is the barrel-to-handle connection that virutally eliminates all vibration, improves overall feel, and adds more power behind every swing. This Helmer’s End-Loaded Swing Weight goes as follows: 34″/26.5oz = 1.5oz, 34″/27.5oz = 2.5oz, 34″/28.5oz = 3.5oz. Also, this bat is equipped with Easton’s new Hyperskin Bat Grip for more power through a softer feel. Lastly, this bat has the 1.20 BPF USSSA, NSA, ISA, and SSUSA approval stamps for slowpitch softball play.


2016 Easton Bomb Squad Brett Helmer Slowpitch Softball Bat ASA End Loaded SP16BHA

2016 Brett Helmer ASA End Loaded

Rating: 9.5/10

“LOVE THIS BAT! Powerful, nice pop, sturdy. The paint scheme is clean, too.”

This is the ASA Brett Helmer Signature Model for 2016. 2-Piece, 100% Composite Design using Thermo Composite Technology. This Helmer has the CXN Zero Technology, which is the barrel-to-handle connection that virutally eliminates all vibration, improves overall feel, and adds more power behind every swing. This Helmer’s End-Loaded Swing Weight goes as follows: 34″/26.5oz = 1.5oz, 34″/27.5oz = 2.5oz, 34″/28.5oz = 3.5oz. Also, this bat is equipped with Easton’s new Hyperskin Bat Grip for more power through a softer feel. Lastly, this bat is approved for ASA and ISF.


2016 Easton Bomb Squad Bryson Baker Slowpitch Softball Bat USSSA Balanced SP16BBU

2016 Bryson Baker USSSA Balanced

Rating: 9/10

“Super Balanced, sturdy, no sting felt in the hands, great pop.”

The Bryson Baker is the Bomb Squad bat that’s made with a Balanced Swing Weight, giving contact hitters the increased swing speed and improved bat control that they long for. Made as a 2-Piece, 100% Composite bat using Easton’s tried-and-true IMX Composite material. The 13.5″ Barrel Length gives you plenty of hitting surface and a massive sweet spot, while the 29/32″ SIC Black Carbon Handle helps optimize the bat and improve the overall feel. Lastly, this Bryson Baker is approved by 1.20 BPF USSSA, NSA, ISA, and SSUSA.


2016 Easton Bomb Squad Bryson Baker Slowpitch Softball Bat ASA Balanced SP16BBA

2016 Bryson Baker ASA Balanced

Rating: 9/10

“This bat gives me fast swing speed and the barrel has a nice extended sweet spot.”

The Bryson Baker is the Bomb Squad bat that’s made with a Balanced Swing Weight, giving contact hitters the increased swing speed and improved bat control that they long for. Made as a 2-Piece, 100% Composite bat using Easton’s tried-and-true IMX Composite material. The 13.5″ Barrel Length gives you plenty of hitting surface and a massive sweet spot, while the 29/32″ SIC Black Carbon Handle helps optimize the bat and improve the overall feel. Lastly, this Bryson Baker is approved by ASA and ISF.


2016 Easton Bomb Squad Scott Kirby Slowpitch Softball Bat USSSA End Loaded SP16SKU

2016 Scott Kirby USSSA End Loaded

Rating: 9/10

“Sweet end-load for added power, nice paint job, great price.”

2-Piece, 100% Composite Design using IMX Composite, which is Easton’s tried-and-true composite material they have used for many years. Made for power hitters, the End-Loaded Swing Weight on this bat goes as follows: 34″/26oz = 1oz, 34″/27oz = 2oz, 34″/28oz = 3oz, 34″/30oz = 4oz. Lastly, this particular Scott Kirby is approved by 1.20 BPF USSSA, NSA, ISA, and SSUSA.



2016 Easton Bomb Squad Scott Kirby Slowpitch Softball Bat ASA End Loaded SP16SKA

2016 Scott Kirby ASA End Loaded

Rating: 9/10

“Sweet end-load for added power, nice paint job, great price.”

2-Piece, 100% Composite Design using IMX Composite, which is Easton’s tried-and-true composite material they have used for many years. Made for power hitters, the End-Loaded Swing Weight on this bat goes as follows: 34″/26oz = 1oz, 34″/27oz = 2oz, 34″/28oz = 3oz, 34″/30oz = 4oz. Lastly, this particular Scott Kirby is approved by ASA and ISF.



2016 Easton Bomb Squad Brian Wegman Slowpitch Softball Bat USSSA End Loaded SP16BWU

2016 Brian Wegman USSSA End Loaded

Rating: 8.5/10

“Love the single piece feel, very stiff and sturdy, great pop and power.”

If you like your bat made with the traditional 1-Piece Bat Construction, then the Bomb Squad Brian Wegman is the bat for you. Made with 100% Composite material, a 12″ Barrel Length, and an End-Loaded Swing Weight for power hitters, this bat is ready to help you drive the ball to the wall. Some other features include a 29/32″ SIC Black Carbon Handle, 1.2mm Hyperskin Bat Grip, and the 1.20 BPF USSSA, NSA, ISA, & SSUSA approval stamps.


2016 Easton Bomb Squad Brian Wegman Slowpitch Softball Bat ASA End Loaded SP16BWA

2016 Brian Wegman ASA End Loaded

Rating: 8.5/10

“Powerful. Stiff. Looks sick. Much better grip compared to last year.”

If you like your bat made with the traditional 1-Piece Bat Construction, then the Bomb Squad Brian Wegman is the bat for you. Made with 100% Composite material, a 12″ Barrel Length, and an End-Loaded Swing Weight for power hitters, this bat is ready to help you drive the ball to the wall. Some other features include a 29/32″ SIC Black Carbon Handle, 1.2mm Hyperskin Bat Grip, and the ASA & ISF approval stamps.


2016 Easton Bomb Squad Slowpitch Softball Bat ASA USSSA End Loaded SP16BSUA

2016 Bomb Squad All-Association End Loaded

Rating: 7.5/10

“I play in both a USSSA and ASA league on different nights. This bat is what I needed. Great end-load, very sturdy, super hot, nice pop.”

This is the dual stamp, all-association Bomb Squad bat, made for the player who needs all the approval stamps: 1.20 BPF USSSA, ASA, NSA, ISA, ISF, and SSUSA. Made as a 2-Piece, 100% Composite bat using IMX Composite material, this bat is made to last season after season. Power hitters will favor this bat as it has an End-Loaded Swing Weight, giving you additional weight at the end of the barrel for additional power potential with every swing.


The Speed Brigade Series…

Easton S500 Slowpitch Softball Bat ASA USSSA Balanced SP16S500

2016 S500 All-Association

“I play for my church on the weekend and it’s a single wall aluminum league and this bat has been great! Price was totally fair and it has been fun to use.”

This is the top option of the Speed Brigade Series. The 100% 7050 Aircraft Aluminum Alloy build is more durable and better performing than the Durable aluminum the S300 and S50 are made with. With a Balanced Swing Weight, this S500 gives you great bat control and fast swing speed while going through the hitting zone. Ultimately, this bat is made as a price-point single wall barrel bat for those that either play in a coed league, church league, or just need a batting cage bat to take some hacks with while not beating up your more expensive bat. Approved for ALL softball associations.


Easton S300 Slowpitch Softball Bat ASA USSSA Balanced SP16S300

2016 S300 All-Association

“This bat is my batting cage stick. I have a Salvo I use in games but I use this to bang up and get my swing right.”

If you don’t want to spend much money, but play need a bat to beat up on in your coed/church league or maybe need a batting cage bat – you found your match. With a Balanced Swing Weight, this S300 gives you great bat control and fast swing speed while going through the hitting zone. Approved for ALL softball associations.




Easton S50 Slowpitch Softball Bat ASA USSSA Balanced SP16S50

2016 S50 All-Association

“I go to Home Run Park batting cages and, even though they have free rentals, I just wanted one that was my own to use now and then. It was cheap and it makes a nice ping sound when I hit the ball.”

The cheapest option of the Speed Brigade Series is the S50 slowpitch softball bat. At a $29.99 price point you get a single wall, 100% aluminum bat that’s ready for the player that’s just trying to have a bit of fun now and then, or if you’re just wanting to hit for hours in the cages and need something to help get your swing right. Approved for ALL softball associations.



That’s the ENTIRE 2016 Easton Slowpitch Softball Bat Lineup, which is available at CheapBats.com!

No Hassle Returns, Batisfaction Guaranteed!

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