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2014 Demarini Slowpitch Bats Overview

2014 DeMarini Slowpitch Bats Banner

The 2014 DeMarini Softball Bats have come out swinging. A whole new line up of slowpitch bat models is here. We are going to review them, and break down the differences for you.

As always, CheapBats.com offers all of these models with Free Shipping, and our generous No Hassle Returns Policy!

First, the Demarini Flipper softball bat is a brand new bat with brand new technology. One of four Demarini ASA approved slowpitch bats for the 2014 season at the $299.95 price range

Demarini created the Divergence Technology for the composite barrel of The Flipper. This 13 inch barrel that interacts with the softball in a all new way by extending the sweet spot horizontally around the ball.

To go along with The Divergence Composite barrel Demarini combined it’s stiff SC4 Alloy Handle, for maximum performance, whether your using a 52/300 or a 44/375 ball.

Ending off this bat is The Dish, end cap, and is approved for ASA Softball Associations play only.

They will be offering The Demarini Flipper WTDXFLS-V14, in a 34/26, 34/27, and 34/28, from manufacture authorized dealers at $299.95.

Next in Demarini’s high end slow pitch bats is The Stadium CL22. This is a new 12 inch,  S. One Composite Barrel with an end load.  The new S. One Composite has The Big D end cap in it, that uses end loaded energy to redirect power back into Demarini’s biggest sweet spot ever.  Joining this hot new barrel technology is the SC4 Alloy Handle, proven by Demarini’s very own Chris Larson to absolutely kill the ball.

The Demarini Stadium CL22 WTDXST2-V14 slowpitch bat will be offered in a 34/26, 34/27, 34/28, and 34/30 at $299.95 from authorized Demarini dealers, and is approved by the following associations. USSSA, NSA, ISA, and ISF.

Are you ready to get Juggy with it?

The Demarini Juggy ASA All composite slow pitch bat is a carbon fiber masterpiece. Using Demarini’s tried and true,  Stacked Composite, in the 12 inch, triple wall, end loaded barrel, with The Big D end cap makes this softball bat a beast. Joining this beastly barrel is Demarini’s TR3 F.L.O. Handle, which is so complementary Demarini feels it’s the best all composite bat for ASA they have that is an exclusively ASA approved bat.

The Demarini Juggy ASA WTDXNT3-14 softball bat is approved for ASA only and comes in a 34/26, 34/27, 34/28 and 34/30 at $299.95 from authorized dealers only.

2014 Demarini’s The One, is a all new, all association slowpitch bat.  The Demarini One is a softball bat that is legal in all major slow pitch leagues, and still gives you the performance you’d expect from Demarini’s best sofball bats. Engineering this two piece bat for the masses was a challenge they relished because of customer demand to bring back this product. To ensure everyone’s happiness Demarini started with a 13 inch barrel, that was made out of the stiff 4. ONE Composite. Then they combined the stiff SC4 Alloy handle to give “The One,” that one-piece bat feel. This slow pitch bat also employes The Dish end cap for that job, and it really ties the bat together for a total package thats second to none.

The One Demarini Slowpitch WTDXONE-14 bat comes in a 34/26, 34/27, 34/28, & 34/30 is approved by, ASA, USSSA, NSA, ISA, & ISF and is sold by authorized dealers at $299.95.

Now we have The Demarini Mercy softball bat. This was designed with the female slow pitch player in mind, to cater to their demands for a competitive and well balanced bat right out of the wrapper.  This is another all composite slowpitch bat by Demarini that uses it’ s 4. ONE Composite in the very balanced 13 inch barrel. Keeping this Demarini 4. ONE Composite theme going they brought it down into the handle as well, making this not only one of their stiffest slowpitch bats, but one of their hottest softball bats for 2014.

The Demarini Mercy WTDXMSP-14 Slow Pitch Bat is available in 34/25 & 34/26, and is legal for ASA, & ISF. It is $299.95 from authorized dealers.

The Demarini One Senior softball bat SR1 .21 (Balanced) is offered this year with a 13 inch 4.ONE Composite Barrel. This is a two piece  slow pitch bat, and the Handle is also the 4. ONE Composite. Demarini likes this bat to have a stiff one-piece feel, and is claiming this bat is extremely hot out of the wrapper and will most benefit the player  who likes a even and balanced feeling softball bat vs a end load.  The Demarini Clutch 2 End Cap is used for it’s ability to store the energy in the barrel to provide maximum performance at the point of contact. This is a top of the line Senior softball bat from Demarini.

The SR1 .21 WTDXSNB-14 Demarini Senior One Slow Pitch Bat is approved for SSUSA, and SSWC. It’s offered in a 34/26, 34/27, 34/28, & 34/30 from warrantied dealers at $199.95.

To try and accommodate everyone they made the Demarini One Senior softball bat in a end loaded model as well.  This end loaded softball bat is the same as the bat above but with the end load and it’s model number WTDXSNE-14 (Notice the E vs the B at the end of the letters) being their only difference.  The Demarini One Senior SR1 .21 (Endload) is also approved for SSUSA and SSWC, and offered in all the same length to weight ratios, at the exact same price.


The Demarini SF6 Slowpitch bat is a double wall bat, with a 13 inch barrel. The SC4 Alloy Doublewall was designed with a tuned thickness to give the best of both power and durability. Because of that stiff reinforced wall, that makes the Demarini SF6 an optimal softball bat for a softer cored ball. After using and alloy barrel, Demarini went with a C6 Composite Handle that has flex like the Vexxum, making this a two piece half and half slow pitch bat that’s also very comfortable to swing. The Demarini N2M end cap is the lightest end cap they have, and really gives the bat a tremendously balanced feel.

The Demarini SF6 WTDXSF6-14 softball bat is a upper mid-level bat in terms of performance and is approved for play in the following associations: USSSA, NSA, ISA, ISF, & ASA. It’s available in 34 inch length, at 26, 27, 28, & 30 ounces. The SF6 is sold from Cheapbats.com and other authorized dealers at $229.95.

The Demarini Raw Steel slow pitch bat for 2014-2015 uses a new improvement in the Raw Alloy this year to do something Demarini’s very excited about. This engineering has given the Raw Steel’s 13 inch alloy barrel the most strength and explosiveness possible on the their single wall slow pitch bat.  This combined with the SC4 alloy handle makes it the best all alloy softball bat Demarini has. Finally they put in the N2M end cap.

The Demarini Raw Steel WTDXRAW-14 Softball bat is USSSA, NSA, ISA, ISF,  & ASA approved, and is also a great choice for leagues that do not allow any composite bats. The Raw Steel is a 34 inch bat and comes in three weights, 26, 28, & 30 ounces. Cheapbats.com and other authorized venders sell this bat at $189.95

The Demarini White Steel 2014 is a fantastic half and half technology softball bat. Using the same upgraded alloy in the 13 inch barrel of the White Steel as the 2014 Raw Steel , your getting the best single wall alloy, half and half bat Demarini has on the market. The handle is made from the Demarini C6 composite, and employes their N2M end cap. This is the best bat for 52 300 balls offered in Demarini’s opinion.

The Demarini White Steel Slowpitch bat WTDXWHI-14 Is a 34 inch bat and comes three weights like the Raw, 26oz, 28oz, and 30oz. This bat is approved by USSSA, NSA, ISA, ISF, and ASA. Sold from Cheapbats.com and authorized retailers at $189.95


The Demarini Ultimate Weapon 2014 is great softball bat for the leagues that only allow singlewall play. Using their SC4 alloy through the 13 inch barrel all the way down to the handle. Demarini has once again brought a highly engineered, single piece alloy slow pitch bat to the field  that has tremendous pop for not a lot of money.

The Demarini Ultimate Weapon WTDXUWE-14 slow pitch bat is legal in the following associations: USSSA, NSA, ISA, ISF, and ASA. You can purchase this bat from Cheapbats.com at $119.95

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